This past Saturday I got the text that Stacey was in labour. Only a few short hours later baby Tess was here!
We knew we had a small window of opportunity to do these fresh 48 images as Stacey and her husband delivered at the Birth Centre. This is also Stacey's third baby so we knew she would go fast. Thankfully our timing worked out perfectly and I was able to arrive within an hour of delivery and even got to capture babies first wellness check.
I have been to the hospitals countless times for deliveries, sessions and even my own children's births. This was my first experience with the Birth Centre and it was phenomenal. Stacey was able to do a VERY fast water birth and she would be in her own bed by "bed time" (moms only have to stay 2-5 hours after birth).
Thank you so much to the Stacey for allowing me to capture these images and for letting me into a very intimate moment in a families life. And a huge congratulations on the arrival of sweet 6 pound 3 ounce Tess. She is perfect.